Made on the Shambles
Hi there,
We’re an local independent company and from our little shop on the Shambles we produce pies, pastries and sausages.
We source as much as we can responsibly and locally ensuring the best possible quality ingredients go into our pies and sausages.
It’s a small team but we enjoy what we do and using traditional recipes with more than just a sprinkle of pride, we like to think it makes a difference and why our pies and sausages taste so good.
So if you’re in York, why not stop by.
Thanks for taking the time to look us up.

Our freshly produced goods
Opening Hours
We start early and the best time to visit is...
Tuesday through till Saturday : 8am - 4.00pm
Our sausages are hand made using locally sourced free range lean pork meat mixed with simple ingredients to make tasty bangers for the whole family or a cheeky treat just for you. Check out our shop to see what flavours we do...

Dry cured bacon
We dry cure the bacon the old fashioned way. The pork is cured for seven days (at least) then dried for another seven days (at least). Then its cut by hand, that's how good it is - 'it stands to the knife'. When you cook it, you'll see, very little moisture comes out.

Pork Pies
Our pork pies are freshly baked daily. we follow a traditional recipe using the finest course cut pork mixed with a little rusk and seasoning. The pork mix is semi cured giving the pie a pinkish colour inside. Our pies are finished off by adding gelatin, remaining faithful to the traditional pork pie and giving the meat a moist succulent finish. A great cold snack anytime of the day or if you're lucky enough even better warm just out the oven.
Don't forget to check out the different flavours of pork pies!

More pies & pastries
We offer a range of different types of pies and pastries to!
From sausage rolls to pasties and scotch pies to steak & ale pies, by the way - the ale is from the Shambles Tavern (next door).

“To pie, or not to pie? That is the question – whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer without pie, oh outrageous fortune. Or to have a pie in a sea of snacks, and by munching it, end your lack of pie?”